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kin thin kin bout you /E very sin gle day yes, i'm rea lly mi ssin' mi ssin' you /And all tho se things we
\But if this ev er chang ing world /in which we live in /makes you give it a cry.
Gently Weeps @TThe Beatles \I look at you all see the love /there that's sleep ing /While my gui tar gent ly we
Bells @TTraditional Christmas Song \Dash ing through the snow /in a one hor se o pen sleigh, /over the fields we
FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TRIKKI DON'T LOSE THAT NUMBER @TSteely Dan \We
\Some are hap py, some are sad, /oh, we got to let the mu sic play, mm.
them guys ain't dumb \May be get a blis ter on your lit tle fin ger /May be get a blis ter on your thumb \We
LENGL @TWake Up Little Suzie @TEverly Brothers \Wake up litt le Suz ie, Wake up /Wake up litt le Suz ie, Wake up \We've
al ways feel the same \Love you for ev er and for ev er /Love you with all my heart /Love you when ev er we're
Someone I Used To Know by Emmylou Harris @TKar by Roger Mac Midi Unknown \There's a pi ct ure that I ca rry /One we
/Yes, we're one and the same. \Now, I be lieve in mir a cles /and a mir a cle has hap pened to night.
\Don't ev er cha nge /And I'll stay the sa me /We'll be swim ming /in the same di rec tion /And we'll nev er
/From the mo ment we touched /till the time I ran out. \Make be liev in
P R /The trans mis sions will re sume /They'll try to, /Push drugs keep us all dumbed down /and hope that /We
@LENGL @TI'LL BE THERE @TMariah Carey \You and I must make a pack /we must bring sal va tion back /Where there
\Tho we got ta say good bye for the sum mer, /dar ling, I prom ise you this: \I'll send you all my love
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @T Suzanne VOF De Kunst @T Door: Jeroen Strijb \We zit ten sa men in de ka mer /En de ste re
\We'd like to know a /litt le bit a bout you /for our files. \We'd like t
/We move in space with mi ni mum waste /and max i mum joy. \Ci ty lights and busi ness nights.
@LENGL @TSAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU @TWhitney Houston \A few stol en mo ments is all that we share /You've got