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you're lyin', den yin' /All of your ac tions, so lis ten up /Cause here's my re ac tion /Here comes the night
you've changed /In so ma ny ways /It is n't fair /It is n't right /If it's real ly gone /Then tell me to night
/In Ki ev, things are glisten ing /A beaut i ful sight, we're hap py to night /In our Nucle ar Wint er Won der
/And I say "Yes, you look won der ful to night" \We go to a par ty /And eve ry one turns to see \This beau
dis gu i se for me /Come in to the o pen \When it's cold out side /Am I here in v a i n /Hold on to the night
\Are the stars out to night?
\Eve ry single night ...
\Lost in a ri ver last sa tur day night /Far a way on the o ther side.
Garfunkel \I'm sit tin' in the rail way sta tion, /got a tick et for my des ti na ti on /On a tour of one- night
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSlow Hand @TPointer Sisters @TKaraoke by Anthony Hosking \As the mid night mo on was drift
time /Smells like some thing I've for got ten /Curled up died and now it's rot ten \I'm not a gang ster to night
Arabian Nights
for me something I didn't see /But, ba by, I know bet ter now /When you walked in the room that ve ry night
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSONG TITLE @TRolling Stones @T @W @W @W /Well ba by used to stay out all night long
room /You're gonna like it the re /And all the things that I do /I'll treat you right /All through the night
February 2014 \Kesha: It's go ing do wn /I'm yell ing tim ber /You bet ter mo ve /You bet ter da nce /Let's make a night
/From some fair gar den of the light, /To bless my wear y ach ing sight, /Or from some val ley of the night
/We come from the land of the ice and snow, \From the mid night sun /where the hot springs blow.
Connor 1952 \I saw Mom my kiss ing San ta Claus /Un der neath the mist le toe last night.
to da y /They say the dan ger's gone a wa y /But I can see the fire's still a light /Burn ing in to the night