共找到 105 条结果
/You'll nev er know how much I real ly care. \List en, do you want to know a se cret?
\Say you don't care who goes /to that kind of place. \Knee deep in the hoop la /sink ing in your fight.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @T Separate Ways Elvis Presley @T kar by L-S Ouellet karaoke@courriel.qc.ca \I see a chan...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRed Rubber Ball @TThe Seekers \I should have known /You bid me fare well /There's a...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @KAll rights reserved, TUNE 1000 CORP. @V0100 @I 06-16-93, 16:00, D.B. @KCopyright WARNER CHAPP...