共找到 129 条结果
Helly Hilmi @I email: helly_hilmi@yahoo.com /Pa da ha ri bu lan ta hun \De tik me nit di ri ku ber na fas /A da ge
/Ge lo e poi sento \l'a lma av vam par /e in un mo me nto /to rno a ge lar.
Ges./Pia Ges./Pian E-Pianoa Bassanoa Gitarrea Orgelrea Bass Dru Bass Drum SnareDru HiHatDru CrashDru Vorz?le Vorzhler
en su ma tri mo ni o /A un que su ma ri do e ra el mis mo de mo ni o /Te ní a el hom bre un po co de mal ge
/A kim, le fils du for ge ron /est ve nu me cher cher, /Les drui des ont dé cidé de me ner /le com bat dans
Guardsmen @Tseq by Ron Tilden - kar by Mike M (April 2001) \O Tan nen baum, O Tan nen baum, /du kannst mir sehr ge
Sky With Diamonds @TThe Beatles @TKaraoked by Jens Ackermann \Pic ture your self in a boat on a ri ver /With tan ge
Bass Dru Bass Drum SnareDru HiHats Tambouri Tambourin Crash Crash C#3 Claps Vorz. Ges./Pia Ges./Pian Gitarre...
. /- - - - - - - - - - /D'rum kann ich froh und lus tig sein, /denn al le Vö ge
a ring of fire /I'll for get the days gone by /I'll pro tect your bo dy and guard your soul /from mi ra ge
/We triped the light /And danced to ge ther to the moon, \But where
\And I can chan ge the world, /I will be the sun light in your u ni verse.
/I was un rec ge nize ble to my self. /Saw my reflec tion in a win dow /I did n't know my own face.
cong jin wan shi ru yuan \He xin nian Zhu xin nian /Xin nian a Nian lian nian /Yuan da jia dou guo ge
entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTHE FINAL COUNTDOWN @TEurope \We're lea ving to ge
feel the same \Love you for ev er and for ev er /Love you with all my heart /Love you when ev er we're to ge
GSR \I've Been A live For ev er /And I Wrote The Ve ry First Song /I Put The Words And The Mel o dies To ge
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @T*** Michelle *** @TThe Beatles \Mi chelle ma belle, /These are words that go /to ge
Taupin \Hey kids, shake it loose to ge ther /The spotlight's hitting something /That's been known to change
beat with mine \Soft ly you whis per, you're so sin cere /How could our love be so blind \We sailed on to ge