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: vah2608@aol.com @LENGL @TLEMON TREE - Fool's Garden / I'm sit ting here / In a bor ing room, / It's just
that I take /Your ev ery step I take \And I /I want to share \all my love with you /No one else will do
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TDon't Let Me Be Misunderstood @TAnimals \Baby, do you und er stand me now, /Some times
they need you there \Though I've tried to re sist be ing last on you list /But no oth er man 's gon na do
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLove At First Sight @TKylie Minogue @tKar By Woof \Thought that I was go ing cra zy /Just
\Here is where the sto ry ends /This is good bye \Know ing me, know ing you /There is no thing we can do
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TRay Of Light @TMadonna \Zeph yr in the sky at night /I won d e r /Do my tears of
Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TAGAINST ALL ODDS (TAKE A LOOK AT ME NOW) @TPhil Collins \How can I just
time warp /Drink ing those mom ents when /The Black ness would hit me /The void would be call ing /Let's do
/Just a big- a, big- a, big- a hunk o' love a- will do.
MARYANNE @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TC'mon Marianne @TFour Seasons \Whoa- ho here I am on my knees a gain /I'll do
/It's just the ra di o. \Don't you re memb er you told me /you loved me ba by?
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @THelp Me Rhonda @TBeach Boys \Since she put me down I've /been out do in' in my head
light of the town /A coun try boy set out to see the world /Reme mber when those ne on lig hts shine do
Not just an y bo d y /Help!
\I don't know why, I just know I do. /I just can't ex plain in this lan guage that I use.
risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TI don't Know How to Love Him @Tfrom 'Jesus Christ Superstar' \I don't know how to love him /What to do
lor /I went out on the sea for ad ven ture \Ex pan ding the view /Of the cap tain and crew /Like a man just
Go out and see what you can find \If her dadd y's rich take /her out for a meal /If her dadd y's poor \just
/Do you think you can tell? \And did they get you to trade /your heroes for ghosts?