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ro y to do lo que me pr ovo ca /Sin pen sar lo que hay den tro de mí /Pues ya ven yo soy a sí /Sim ple men
India \"Vivir lo nuestro" /"Marc Anthony & La India" \Letra sincronizada por: /Speed@2001 \(H) En un lla no tan in men
rí o re cuer do y me a fe rro a vi vir /y a ve ces qui sie ra ma tar por tu a mor \tan so lo por un mo men
preach the bi ble like a prea cher /Full of ec sta cy and fire \But he al so was the kind of tea cher /Wo men
the Sav ior reigns; /Let men their songs em ploy; /While field and floods, /rocks, hills, and plains.
\The ma ma look down and spit on the ground /Ev ery time my name gets men tioned /The pa pa
shampoo@unix.infoserve.net) \Re mem ber that pia no, so de light ful, unu su al /That clas sic sen sa tion, senti men
/Marc Anthony - Ahora quien /*** /A quien van a_en ga ñar a ho ra tus bra zos a quien van a men tir le_a ho
Thttp://www.sitio.de/mrgoomer \Con el pa sar de los a ños /he a pren di do en la vi da /que se vi ve in ten sa men
\When Ma ry birthed Je sus 'twas in a cow's stall, /With wise men and far mers and shep herds and all.
tues day /man you been a naugh ty boy /you let your face grow long \I am the egg man, they are the egg men
\And so with Gods and men /The sheep re main in side their pen, /Though ma ny times they've seen the way
terríblemente solo sin tí \A Lis bo a /en tren de lu jo /yo via ja ba \y a mi la do /muy ga lan te, /un por tu gués \Al mo men
/Dei ne Zau ber bin den wi e der, /Was di e Mo de streng ge tei lt; \Al le Men schen we den Brü der, /Wo dein
more, much more than this, \I did it my way /Re grets I've had a few /but then a gain \Too few to men
\La Na ture est chan gean te \L'on res pire comme ils men tent \De fa çon ra va geu se \La Na ture est tu eu
/An ti ga men te, tu do e ra bem mais chi que.
\I've ne ver seen so ma ny men ask you /if you wan ted to dance.
@Tby ti \Tap pe ti ni nuo vi, /ar bre ma gique /deo do rante ap pe na \pre so che fa mol to chic /ap pun ta men
\Mu sic loud and wo men warm. /I've been kicked a round since I was born.