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Original song by Karisque
Drums Ac Piano El Bass Organ Strings SynthBrs Jaz Guit Cl E Gtr Lead Gtr Sax Xylaphone Global (...
FF14大合奏用 By 龙巢神殿 索蕾特卡洛琳
Midnight Rhymes; or, "Tis Merry When the Stars Shine Bright Words by Barry Cornwall. Music by Francis H. Brown. (1846)...
高达系列里个人最喜欢的一部, 没有之一 Shining Finger ! ! !
适配ff14演奏 by-神拳 秋郁
The End Of The World Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore?
dancing That's right - I'm telling you It's time to start believing - Oh yes Believing who you are: You are a shining
always be sunshine But there’s this momentary beam of light I could cross the ocean in a fit of devotion For every shining