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BOLA DE DRAC Z (3 previos para grabar) =============== Bola de drac zeta, Son Gohan es el teu nom, Bola
/Et bien, /Ecoutez l'histoire /De Bonnie and Clyde \A lors voi là /Clyde a une petite a mie /Elle est belle et son
vous /Mon a mour \Ne vous dé plai se /En dan sant la ja va nai se \Nous nous ai mions /Le temps d'u ne chan son
Walk ing in a Win ter Won der land \In the mead ow we can build a snow man /Then pre tend that he is Par son
\Eve ry bod y knows the rea son for the fall. /How wo man temp ted man down in par a dise hall.
Los nombres de los artistas solamente son para referencia de los temas y no estan involucrados de ninguna forma com MIDI
tered by a gun /Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried /I saw a moth er /She was pray ing for her son
Todos los temas ofrecidos en elmidi.com son exclusivamente y unicamente secuenciados o armados en formato .mid por musicos
\Hey, c'm on, /Gonn a hear the Son /to night, to night. \Gonn a get it to the raft ers, /Watch me now.
Show me the mean ing of being lon ely \So ma ny words, for the bro ken heart /It's hard to see in crim son
Như Ngày Hôm Qua - Sơn Tùng MTP
crowd shuf fles in \There's an old man sit ting next to me /Ma king love to his to nic and gin \He says: "Son
TKAR by Ying Yong 29th March 2011 @LENGL \Sa bai Sa bai /Took jai gaw khop gahn bpai /Praw chan bpen khon mai son
fall /Too blind to see the writ ing on the wall \A man can tell a thou sand lies /I've learned my les son
Yearwood \If there ev er was a ti me, that I could use your trust in me /And if there ev er was a rea son
T<Lately> @T<Stevie Wonder> @T<KAR by Estrada> \Lately, I have ha d the stra ngest feel ing /With no vivid rea son
/There is a sea son ... Turn! Turn! Turn! /And a time to every pur pose un der Hea ven.
Tucker Ht 66wgwga