共找到 172 条结果
“Shadow is where my mind state's in”指丸喜此时精神状态由人格面具亚当卡蒙主导; “Cause I can take you to the place of delight”表达他拯救世界于苦难、为众人实现梦想的终极理想
Year Of The Cat Al Stewart \On a mor ning from a Bo gart mo vie /In a coun try where they turn back time \You
/Can't you tell that your tie's too wide? \May be I should buy some old tab col lars?
KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TSuspicious Minds @TElvis Presley \We're caught in a trap /I can't walk out /Be cause I love you
\Hey Mis ter Dream sell er where have you been, /Tell me have you dre ams I can s e e e?
The Drifters) \Oh when the sun beats down and /melts the tar u pon the ro of /And your shoes get so hot you
Supertramp /------------------------------------ \Took a boat sunday, down by the sea /It just felt so nice, you
whis per /of a dis tant mem o ry \just a dream /or so it seems /take me back to /the place i'd rather b e \You
/(Oh no, you'll be deceived) \Is it in his eyes?
KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @TKylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman @Twww.tusmidis.com.ar /Count back wards 5 4 3 2 1, /Be fore you
MF} = Both \{M} /Look at this face /I know the years are show ing \Look at this life /I still don't know where
yeah /We were nev er meant for /do or die /I did n't want us to burn ou t /I didn't come here to hurt you
midi.html @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TLonesome Town @TRicky Nelson @Tkar: Joe (The Walrus) Wallace \There's a place where
\See them groceries run ning, /and you watch them dis ap pear. \With out love, where would you be now?
LENGL @TIt's Beginning to Look Like Christmas @TBing Crosby \It's beg inn ing to look a lot /like Christ mas /Eve ry where
flags up in the sky /{Put them in the sky} /And wave them side to side /{Side to side} /Show the wor ld where
gust sum mer night /Sol diers pas sing by /Listen ing to the wind of cha nge \The world is clo sing in /Did you
TWoodstock @TJoni Mitchell \I came up on a child of God /He was walk ing a long the road /And I asked him "Where
@LENGL @TDANCING QUEEN @TABBA @TBenny Anderson/Stig Anderson/Bjorn Ulvaeus \You can dance, you can jive /hav ing the