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yeah we'll be coun ting sta rs I see this life like a swin ging vine Swing my heart ac ross the line
You've got to learn to play your cards right /If you ex pect to win in life \Don 't put it all on the line
If you really like this midi, please drop me a line or comment at: Kji72@Aol.com
- Fly - \Stay, wait for me /Build a for tress and shield your be liefs /Touch the di vide as we fall in line
/I set my eyes on you girl /My heart says fol low through \But I know now /that I'm way down on your line
/going out from me to you /On the dedi ca tion line, /I won der if you're liste ning /To the words that
WAITING @Ilyrics input by Marcus \Oceans apart day after day /And I slowly go insane /I hear your voice on the line
TCreate by Althea & Harry \O ceans a part day af ter day /And I slow ly go in sane \I hear your voice on the line
/There's a laugh ter on the line /Are you sure you're there a lone?
\Ta ke your str aight line f
\Ha ven't see your fa ce be fore /Are you new in town \It's the same old line /Oh, e ve ry time \Are you
Choosing your bat tles /Pick yourself up /And dust yourself off /Get back in the sad dle /You're on the front line
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @KV0100 @I Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TTAKE A BOW @TMa...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 @Lyrics entered using @Midi Songs Karaoke System @M.D.R. Software - Bitonto (Italy) @E-mail:...
\All along the western front /People line up to re ceive /She got the current in her hands /To shock you like
\"To you, in Da vid's town this day, /Is born of Da vid's line /The Sa vior who is Christ
night, /and I'm a- wait ing on the twel ve- oh- five /Hop ing it'll take me /just a lit tle far ther down the line
the time Maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pulled me out of time And hung me on a line