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Let Him Rest Composed by Henry Tucker (1864) A Tribute to the Memory of the Late Stephen C. Foster
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oya? oya oya?
Let Us Hope for the Best Written and Composed by John Hill Hewitt, 1801-1890 (31 July 1850) for General MIDI playback Ballad
Life Let Us Cherish Words by Mr. Derick. Music by Mozart. (circa 1799-1803) for General MIDI playback
Let Us Have Peace Words and Music by William Shakespeare Hays, 1837-1907. (1861) To Friends of Peace for General MIDI playback
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @IGenerated with Karakan version 6.2 @LENGL @TPassenger - Let Her Go(2012) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter
Let Us Live With a Hope by Septimus Winner (1855) for General MIDI playback Respectfully Dedicated to J. P. Ordway Esq.
let me call you
Let Me Show You the Way Michael W. Smith Let Me Show You the Way Live the Life CD SBLive Version
Let the Rest of the World Go By Ballad Words by J. Keirn Brennan. Music by Ernest R.
Let Independence Be Our Boast Words by Hon. Wyman Spooner.
这是我从虫虫乐谱(https://www.gangqinpu.com/jianpu/940046.htm)扒来的 原曲调是4/4拍的E调,BPM是75 为了萌新使用,我把音轨合在一起了 给个支持吧!!!
Don't Let Me Down GS Reset - SYX GS Reset - SYX For Personal Use Only Modification without MIDI File author's permission
注意—— 本mid文件改编自 @Jason46axc 大佬的 Passenger - Let Her Go , 实际上是一个简化的版本,删去了其中的和弦与可去除的音轨,目的是更加容易在游戏中使用。
Let Me Be The One是由经典兄妹音乐组合Capenters演唱的一首充满旋律的经典歌曲。