共找到 279 条结果
\Trying to make some sense of it, /try ing to make the piec es fit.
/el mejor sitio de Karaokes / /¿Que cual es....?
krystall@qbc.clic.net @LSPAN @TMACARENA @TLos Del Rio \Da le a tu cuer po a le gri a Ma ca re na /Que tu cuer po es
untitled Zen¾bio Carmelo Alfano @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TEspere por mim morena - Gonzaguinha \Es pe re por mim, mo re na
BOLA DE DRAC Z (3 previos para grabar) =============== Bola de drac zeta, Son Gohan es el teu nom, Bola
://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \モ Mi nas Ge rais /モ Mi nas Ge rais /Quem te co nhe ce n縊 es
Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Cho ve lá fo ra e a qui /Faz tan to fri o /Me dá von ta de de sa ber /A on de es
Of Roses @TEddy Arnold @Tseq by Will Campbell - kar by Mike M (Feb. 2000) \I'm send ing you a big bou quet of ros es
though some have changed /Some for ev er not for bet ter /Some have gone and some re main \All these plac es
Midi secuenciado por /Manuel Santana /Karaoke editado por /Karaoke estoiaburrio /http//karaoke-estoiaburrio.iespana.es
\Que se pa el mun do que en mar cha es toy, con mu cho que /ver y vi vir, con cie los a zu les an dan do
Ya Te Olvide Yuridia Muy Importante: Este MIDI File es una obra intelectual protegida en favor de su productor.
\From a park near by hap py /sounds from a ca rou sel /You can al most taste the hot dogs /and french fri es
\She's the on ly one who'd phone me /From Mem phis Tenn es see \Her home is on the south side
Optimized for SoundBlaster Live with 8MB E-MU GM-GS soundfont Please send comments to: rpajares@nilsl.net rpajares@ince.mec.es
originally by NoteWorthy Composer Version 1.1, jan 1999 Plase send comments to: rpajares@nilsl.net rpajares@ince.mec.es
my dreams /I see you, I fe el you /That is how I know you go on \Far a cross the dis tance /And spac es
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TSereia - Lulu Santos \Cla ra co mo a luz do sol, /cla rei ra lu mi no sa nes sa es cu ri dão
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TALWAYS @Tby Erasure @IKaraoke lyrics sequenced @Iby Jed Shlackman \O pen your e y es I