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Itsumo no you ni egao se ite kuremasu ka? Ima wa tada sore wo nagai tsuzukeru.
La titularidad de los derechos contenidos en este MIDI File se encuentra reconocida y protegida conforme a la Ley.
\Guess it's true /I'm not good at a one night stand /But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man /The se
G.Bizet \E' l'a mo re u no stra no au gello /nes sun lo pu ò do me s ti car, /Sem pre mos tra si a noi ru bello, \se
\Se cret A gent Man, Se cret A gent Man /They've giv en you a num ber /And tak en 'way your name.
sozi nho /Mas sei mui to bem a on de es tou /Vo cê po de a té du vi dar /A cho que is so não é o a mor \Se
Music Productions, ejes 1997 \If you should go /If you should go \If you should go /If you should go \Que se
vogue MidStamp-1.00: 0AB'B01SE?.<CGG7/B@@+4```
Chico Buarque @TKaraoke do Brasil - Familia Ribeiro - 1999 @Thttp://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/6197/karaoke.html \Se
me dá á gua na bo ca /Ves tin do fan ta si as, ti ran do a rou pa \Mo lha da de su or de tan to a gen te se
/M I C K E Y M O U SE \Who's the lead er of the club /that's made for you and me?
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @TBy Lauriane @TMariah Carey - I don't wanna cry \Once a gain we sit in si len ce /A fter all...
ºÎåľ¤Ò¤í¤·) Itsuki hirosi Ò¹¿ÕÈÕÎĸèÔ~Á_ñR×¢Òô·F°é×ࡶKaraoke¡· a no ko ka-e-te te-ko i de toh na-ga-re-bo-shi ni no-se
Night Of Silence
Forc ing our dark est souls to u n fo ld /And forc ing our dark est souls to u n fo ld /Push ing us in to se
\La Na ture est chan gean te \L'on res pire comme ils men tent \De fa çon ra va geu se \La Na ture est tu eu
Think of Me orchestra christine other Raoul Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Unnamed Drum&SE ------------------------------ written
slu {am /neke pra zne pri ~e /i sve mi la`i ba{ na tebe li ~e \Ruku na sr ce /ra zloga je ma lo /da bi se