共找到 315 条结果
\Spoken: My Dar ling, /It's al most Christ mas and here I am /Thou sands of miles a way from you, /And ev ery
\I can't help my self /I'm ad dict ed to a life of /ma te ri al /It's some kind of joke, I'm ob ses sive ly
and gold /I see your lips , the sum mer kiss es /The sun bur ned hands I used to hold \Since you went a way
fast time, /just as a past time /eas y as pie: \Each time you \Cry, bab y, cry /cry, bab y, cry /just the way
SOMEBODY @TBee Gees / Michael Bolten \There's a light /A cer tain kind of light /That ne ver shone on me \I want my
right by your ap pe tite /If you're fus sy a bout your food /Take a choo choo to day, head New Eng land way
/The fam' ly round the tree; /We had a way of mak ing Christ mas morn ing /As mer ry as can be.
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @T Mariah Carey - All In Your Mind @T By Lauriane 26/02/2004 \Come clo ser /You seem so far a way
Lyrics entered by Raphael Pungin @I email: br326@cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TYESTERDAY @TThe Beatles \Yes ter day, all my
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet @TCarole King \I feel the earth move und er My feet
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TWhen I Need You @TCeline Dion \When I need you /I just close my eyes and I'm with
/You are my E ques tr ia Gi rls!
/Meant for some one else but not for me /Ah, love was out to get me \(Doo doo doo da doo) /That's the way
cleveland.freenet.edu @LENGL @TI WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU @TWhitney Houston \If I should stay /I would on ly be in your way
WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @V0100 JESUS SECRETARIO \If I should stay /I would only be in your way
KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TShalala lala @TVengaboys @TKar by Grillo \There's a boy in my mind and he knows
Matte @LENGL @TYOU'VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY @TThe Beatles @T(Lennon/McCartney) \Here I stand head in hand /Turn my
time I was sear ching, /No where to run to, it star ted me thin king \Won dering what I could make of my
created with EasyKAR @I(c) 1996 Vincenzo Palleschi @Ie-mail: vince@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TTEARSIHE \Would you know my