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Pomer ded maxim
we need it the most \You kick up the lea ves \And the ma gic is lost \They tell me your blue sky's \Fa ded
\Sit ting here was ted and woun ded /at this old pia no \Trying hard to cap ture /the mo ment this mor ning
gue and do the cha- cha /But while she tried to be a star, /To ny al ways tend ed bar \Ac ross the crow ded
thing in the sky /'Cause I on ly have eyes for you \I don't know if we're in a gar den /Or on a crow ded
for Pi ano for te /THE THREE ELIZ A BETHS /- I - /HAL CY ON DAYS /(El iz a beth Tu dor) /Mu sic by Er ic Coates /Ded
clock {yeah} /You can move a moun tain /You can break rocks /You can be a mas ter /Don't wait for luck /Ded
thun der rolls \Eve ry light is bur nin /in a house across town \She's pa cin by the te le phone /in her fa ded
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TPRETTY PAPER @TRoy Orbison \Crow ded streets, bus y feet , hust le by you /Down town
no pain /ev' ry beat of my he art /We got some thing go in' o n /Ten der love is blind /It re quires a ded
\Well, the rain ex plo ded with a might y crash
ro mance \And now I know /'Cause when I'm lost I can't let go \I don't mind not kno wing what I'm hea ded
I see you a gain /Your ser vant am I \And with hum bly re main /Just heed this plea, my love /On ben ded