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PIano cover of Yanni's In The Morning Light
Morning 04
Yanni-in the morning light
In the Morning By the Bright Light Words and Music by James Allen Bland. (1879) for General MIDI playback
Softly Breaks the Light of Morning Words by Sanford Fillmore Bennett, 1838-1898.
In The Morning Light Erin's Song Music by Yanni, Lyrics by James L Gingrich Lyrics Copyright 1998 by James L Gingrich
FF14大合奏用 By 龙巢神殿 索蕾特卡洛琳
Rockn' Roll, Morning Light Falls on You
By and By (from "The (Enlarged) Morning Light!") (Hymn) Words by Sanford Fillmore Bennett. Music by Solomon W.
be fast 英姿飒爽 And he's gotta be fresh from the fight 他英姿飒爽 I need a hero 渴望一位英雄 I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TFever @TMadonna \You give me /You give me fe ver \Ne ver know how much I love y...
pil low in the morn ing /A lazy day in bed, mu sic in my head /Craz y mu sic play ing in the morn ing light
been wait ing so lon g /To be where I'm go i n' /In the sun shine of your love \I'm with you my love /The light
and daffodils /Butterflies and bees /Sailboats and fishermen /Things of the sea /Wishing wells /Wedding bells /Early morning
\Come and lay down by my side /till the ear ly morn in' light. \All I'm tak in' is your time.
@risc.ifam.pi.cnr.it @LENGL @TBlue Kentucky Girl by Emmylou Harris @TKar by Roger Mac \You left me for the bright light