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破游戏还没凉啊) 有没有好哥哥带我上个3000分 哭了
守望先锋主题曲《Victory》 OW是曾经最喜欢的游戏,可惜暴雪啊不争气,还是那句话,这个世界需要更多英雄! 为了最大契合FF14乐器音域,进行了一些变调。
OW英雄 西格玛主题原声 Sigma's melody 守望先锋OVERWATCH英雄西格玛的主题原声扒谱改编(个人向mid)
原曲烟鬼的You Owe Me, 混音版本来自Future Bounce三巨头的Mesto
and to pr e tend /She's o ver bored self as sured /And all I know are d ir ty words \Hel lo hel lo hel lo h ow
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TI Will Follow Him @TLittle Peggy March \I must foll ow him /Ev er since he touched my
1900s 09ow
life began with him \The day you took my hand \And yes I know /How lone ly life can be /The shad ows foll ow
with Karakan version 6.5 @LENGL @TAlan Walker - Faded(2015) @TKar by Geoffrey Carter 17th July 2016 \You were the shad ow
Leroy / 2009 @Thttp://www.rppmf.com/muse.htm \I think I'm dro~ ow ning /as phy xi a~ a ted /I wan na break this spell
(LYRICS) Sure it’s a calming notion, perpetual in motion But I don’t need the comfort of any lies For I have seen t...
/The sn ow is f al l i ng down /Get's co ld er da y by da y, /I miss you.
cy_nsmbw_world_5_ow_theme_v1_0 By <Name> Generated by NoteWorthy Composer
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LLyrics by Lorenz Hart - Music by Richard Rodgers @TBlue Moon 1934 @TJames Pitt-Payne, London UK -...
splash rain bows /Per haps some one you know could spark le and shine /Day dreams slide to col or from shad ow
\In rest less dreams I walked a lone, /Through narr ow streets of cobb le stone.
the new bird /He's sing ing our song, as we go a long /Walk ing in a Win ter Won der land \In the mead ow
\Hey, c'm on, /Gonn a chase to morr ow /to night, to night. \Gonn a get it to the raft ers, /Watch me now.
/You're al ways wind ow shopp ing /but nev er stopp ing to buy \So shed those dol ly feath ers and fly /a litt