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itzy - not shy ,基于AI分析扒谱,感觉挺强的 = =
Alex Kim - Shy Love
ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY ;Words and music by Ian Hunter Back Vocal
仅仅扒了人声,技术有限,见谅(●'◡'●) 32s开始~ 挺好听的,小星星 bling bing bing 颗颗闪亮 眨眼睛 一起打call哦 ⎛⎝≧ ̫ ≦⎠⎞
talking a way /I don't know what \I'm to say I'll say it a ny way /To day's a no ther day to find you \Shy
gave it a way \This year /To save me from tears /I'll give it to some one spe cial \Once bit ten and twice shy
Mariah Carey - Your girl @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE \See I used to be so shy ~ ~ ~ /Sit at home and fan ta size ~ ~ ~
London Uk - 1 Sept 2011 @T2011 \There's a love ly old cus tom /that's lived through the a ges, /which e ven the shy
/But still a lit tle shy. /Yes I need , I need my sa mu rai! /Ay, ay, a y!
. / Look in' shy you cought my eye. / Thought you'd want to hang / for a while. / Well I'd like to be with
shy"iIJ T ,P" 4- ntp * ? :www.tan8.com/yuepu-1369.html if- it fj?J--\f : 1 369 5'4!- ¥-oe_ www.tanS.com * ?
/You can't dress tra shy /till you spend a lot of mo ney. \Eve ry bo dy's talk in' 'bout the new sound.