共找到 10 条结果
Rain The Cult www.ifni.com
Wild Flower The Cult www.ifni.com
Wild Hearted Son The Cult www.ifni.com
She Sells Sanctuary The Cult www.ifni.com
A song that's known for as the walkout theme for the wrestler CM Punk.
Blue Oyster Cult Fire Unknown Origin
教程曲desu 照例的在midi条件下尽量高还原度(在教程曲的前提下省了不少功夫(根据AV201538189直接抄下来了和弦)) 原曲中未调音的人声采样用大量的*鸟语花香*来模拟了,听感可能比较搞笑(
Dont Fear the Reaper Blue Oyster Cult Jeff Fountain
try ing to hide the pain /Pain ting on a smile with lip stick /Put ting on a big cha ra ~ade /So dif fi cult