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Lydia from open website
small piece for a friend
j( Fir Eru-t
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe First Noel @TTraditional @TKar'ed by : ElCid \The fir st No el the an gel did say
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe First Noel @TXmas Carol ( Traditional 1833 ) \The fir st No el the ang el did say
@LENGL @TJames Blunt - Bonfire Heart(2013) @TKAR by Geoffrey Carter 26th January 2014 \Your mouth is a re vol ver /Fir
\Fo r gi ve me fir st lo v e, /But I'm ti r ed. /I need to get a way to fe el a gain.
get much highe r \Come on ba by, light my fire /Come on ba by, light my fire /Try to set the night on fir