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The Day Dawn Is Breaking, sud
\Sud den ly, I'm not half the man I used to be. /There's a sha dow han ging o ver me.
Added by: Suds Added: 2003-08-13 File URL is http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/kmxabsolute.mid Upload Date and Time:...
December 2010 @T2010 \The toy shop door is locked up tight /and ev' ry thing is qui et for the night, /when sud
a fraid of an y thing /I just need to know that I can breath /And I don't need much of an y thing /But sud
/I don't know how but I sud den ly lose con trol /There' s a fire with in my soul /Just one look and I
raphael@cnct.com @LENGL @TSUSSUSDIO @TPhil Collins \There's this girl that's been on my mind /All the time, Sus su sud
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TClose To You @TThe Carpenters \Why do birds sud den ly ap pear /Ev ery time you are
er blown with bliss /There must be an an gel /Play ing with my he art \I walk in to an emp ty room /And sud
\A fleet ing glance can say so man y love ly things, /sud den ly you know why my heart sings.
game that you play /You'll re gret it /If you de sert me this way /When there's no bo dy /To dry your eyes /Sud
\An oth er rain y morn ing /Peo ple rush ing by /My head is still in the clouds /I dream with o pen eyes /Sud
fai ry tale life /And all the things your mo ney can't buy /She thought dad dy was a won der ful guy /Then sud
\Sud den ly I'm not half the man I used to be. /There's a sha dow hang ing o ver me.
ken \Why did I bump in to you /And start this chain re ac tion, hmm \I felt it buil ding up in side /When sud
worldnet.att.net Copyright @1997 @KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TThe Visitors @TABBA \I hear the door bell ring /and sud
cep tion I know is the case /when I'm out on a qui et spree, \Fight ing vain ly the old en nui, /and I sud