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Powder Snow钢琴伴奏
《崩坏3》EP-没入乐园插曲-Ele Wh
剑网3 天涯共此时五音Jw - 天涯共此时 作词:景她 作曲:WH宇恒 出品:剑网3 监制:红尘秘意、忌廉
18:00 歌曲公布 20:24 完成扒谱 本家地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wh411U7Jg
We don't know how we ca-a-me here,We can't know wh-en we'll leave.So cher-ish this time we have to to-ge-ther!
原神演奏传送门:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DS4y1c7wH 曲谱原调:Oskarpianist --------*--------*-------- 原神演奏效果大概可以观看上面视频(上方视频添加了钢琴声音
本家信息: BV1K64y1a7wh 收录于星尘演唱会专辑 『平行四界LIVE TOUR OFFICIAL ALBUM』 av13267565 作曲编曲调教混音:MeLo 作词:绿无 曲绘:零届0rz PV:竹炮
适合mu80以上音源 试听 https://cloud.189.cn/t/NZVVVvbURNVb(访问码:w0ux)
\O oh a n d wh y, /Wh y is the world so un kind?
still all a lone /How could this be /You're not here with me /You nev er said good bye /Some one tell me wh
CALIFORNIA @TAlbert Hammond \Got on a board a west bound /Se ven for ty se ven /Did n't think be fore /De cid ing wh
you call me on the te lephone /I can't wa it /till we're all a lone /(I can't wait ) \I lo ve you /e ven wh
写这个的初衷是某年专场把全场曲目串了下当安可用,有兴趣建议这么玩儿下,就是安可时把前面的全部曲串个串儿复习遍# #midishow这里的发布版会精简一些嗯串的环节# 原初版本效果视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U5411s7WH
\So, I went and asked my mom ma /wh
tain; /And when that blue heart ache starts hurt ing, /You'll be do ing all right /with your Christ mas of wh
\Sweet dreams are made of th is /Wh o am I to di sa gre e?