更多“主唱”相關的 MIDI 作品
第 1-20 首 MIDI 音樂,共 99 首
财神到 许冠杰 财神到 财神到 好心得好报 财神话 财神话 搵钱依正路 财神到 财神到 好走快两步 得到佢睇起你 你有前途 阖府庆新岁喜气盈盈 齐贺你多福荫壮健强劲 又祝你今年庆获荣升 朝晚多多欢笑锦绣前程 愿夫妇...
Template that configures 16 tracks for 16 separate MIDI channels, full Volume, and centered Pan.
小弟上传的Midi,主音都付加了歌词,用vanBasco's Karaoke Player就能当卡拉了.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE tm @LENGL @TBEAT IT @TMichael Jackson \They told him, /''Don't you ev er come a round here....
祥泐敃 麻雌轅
[中譯] 加州旅館 荒漠漆黑高速公路上 冷風吹亂了我的頭髮 空氣中飄來仙人掌溫暖的氣味 望向遠方 我看到閃爍的燈光 我的頭越來越昏沈,視線模糊 我得停下來過夜 她就站在門邊 我聽到了教堂的鐘聲 我心裡想 這兒可能是天...
我曾用心爱着你 潘美辰 潘美辰 Use this template to create new GM compatiable MIDI files.
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TBilly Jean @TMichael Jackson \She was more like a beau ty queen /from a mov ie sc...
许冠杰 浪子心声 难分真与假 人面多险诈 几许有共享荣华 檐畔水滴不分差 无知井里蛙 徒望添声价 空得意目光如麻 谁料金屋变败瓦 (命里有时终须...
There's a boy in my mind and he knows I am thinking of him All my way through the day and the night Stars shine above...
@KMIDI KARAOKE FILE @LENGL @TEarth Song @TMichael Jackson @TLyrics added by Mr KarPlay \What a bout sun rise /What...
Lionel Richie,Say You, Say Me (Chorus:) Say you, say me; say it for always That's the way it should be...
The End Of The World Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don...
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