评论内容: 【Rock Canog it!
评论内容: The past
评论内容: I thought this was seishun archive
评论内容: Riff guitar
评论内容: Cuz this is crack
评论内容: Beep bop
评论内容: Do anyone have the solo from junn i need it mid
评论内容: Yes sir
评论内容: Ayo accurate goes brrr
评论内容: Pew pwe pew pe pe pew
评论内容: The impact
评论内容: 10/10
评论内容: Yess
评论内容: Plss add more
评论内容: Just need electric guitar dwp
评论内容: Todd
评论内容: I missed miku
评论内容: Guitar solo goes brrr
评论内容: You saved my life Im about to make a cool remix out of this
评论内容: Teng