评论内容: almost perfect
评论内容: PEAK!
评论内容: Kinda tight
评论内容: How accurate!
评论内容: You might wanna use a Kontakt library like Shreddage 3 or Electri6ity EstebanOD:It's really good, really great phrasing and seems pretty much as accurate as in the anime, just wish we knew what vst you used for the drums because Idk which one to use, the Ableton one makes it...
EstebanOD:It's really good, really great phrasing and seems pretty much as accurate as in the anime, just wish we knew what vst you used for the drums because Idk which one to use, the Ableton one makes it...
评论内容: Burnt my speakers with this!
评论内容: The piano must've taken a while to transcribe!
评论内容: The modern Touhou songs' basses are very cool
评论内容: Best recreation I've heard
评论内容: Pretty solid recreation!
评论内容: Bass just comes in swinging!
评论内容: This is very well done!
评论内容: The drums are well implemented The piano chops sound extremely nice here
评论内容: This is a whole orchestra!
评论内容: Godly 耳コピー
评论内容: The bass is really well translated!
评论内容: Using Rickenbacker amped might make it just that album version of it. The one used in Shinreibyou might be a VG electric edition preset?
评论内容: I really love the bass in this one and the hi hats are really hard to get right.
评论内容: I really like the way ZUN uses guitar in this game, especially in this track and in the extra stage theme.