SC-55, SC-88 Pro, FantomXR, MU2000. Hello from Massachusetts! 我会一点点汉语
评论内容: testing my new XG module today
评论内容: Thank you, heavy machine gun!
评论内容: thanks for sharing
评论内容: no piano only
评论内容: nice song but piano only D:
评论内容: Looks good, thx for sharing
评论内容: Thank yo Luigi! Luigi no.1!
评论内容: This is just an mp3 to midi conversion...
评论内容: μ'sic forever~
评论内容: mu'sic forever!
评论内容: This one is way better than my version! Keep up the good work!
评论内容: again! uno mas!
评论内容: Thank you for trying this demo (?)
评论内容: thank you for your upload
评论内容: Count how many times I commented on this tune
评论内容: thank you!
评论内容: thx for sharing